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A new year gives us all the opportunity to make changes to our lives. This year why not focus on making beauty resolutions that will help you be the best version of you!

Do a beauty audit

Just like the food in your pantry, beauty products have use-by dates. Using your products past their use-by date can cause skin reactions, conjunctivitis and other infections. Every time you open a new beauty product, write the date on it, then you will know when to throw it out!


Drink more water

Yes you really should drink more water! Drinking enough water flushes toxins out of the body and keeps skin looking soft, supple and healthy. A simple way to check whether your body is getting the fluid it needs to function efficiently, is to check the color of your urine. The clearer it is, the more hydrated you are.

Clean your cell phone

Ever notice that one side of your jaw has a few more bumps than you’d expect? That could be from all the bacteria on your cell phone. Pick up a cleaning kit from the store or use a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol to wipe down  your phone weeklygerm-phone

Wear SPF every single day

Sunscreen is hands-down required for everyone, year-round, whether you’re inside or out. Broad-spectrum sunscreens protect skin from skin cancer, aging (UVA rays), and sunburns (UVB rays). The simplest way to get accustomed to using SPF 30 (or higher) consistently is to work it into your regular morning routine by using a moisturizer with a built-in sunscreen.

Take off your makeup every single night

Cleansing your face on a daily basis is crucial for a clear complexion. If left on overnight, makeup and free radicals (from bus exhaust, the sun, bacteria on your cell phone, etc) cause dead skin cells to build up, clogging pores and creating an uneven canvas for makeup application. Instead of waiting until you’re half-asleep and the bathroom feels miles away, wash your face as soon as you get home. And because we all have days that get hectic, keep cleansing wipes on your bedside table as an insurance policy.

Clean your makeup brushes

If you don’t wash your brushes regularly, not only are you leaving them open to bacteria, which leads to possible breakouts, it also means your brushes won’t pick up pigment and work as well. Wash your makeup brushes bi-weekly, or more often if your noticing breakouts.

Upgrade your regimenskincare-routine

Have you been using the same moisturizer since you were a teenager? Now that you’re older you probably need a new formula (and not to mention some eye cream). Set aside some time to figure out what you should be using at your age and then put the plan into motion.

Protect your hands

Between harsh household cleaners, washing dishes, the cold air and the amount of times we wash our hands a day, our hands take a lot of abuse. Be sure to wear gloves every time you go outside to protect your hands from the cold winds. Use rubber gloves when doing housework (year round). Cleaners and washing dishes can strip your skin of its natural oils. And last but not least, use a moisturizer several times a day to help nourish your hands. when-to-toss-makeup