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Myths and Facts about Scarring

Myth: A Scar from a Pimple Is Not Permanent

Fact: A scar from a pimple may sometimes be temporary, but may become permanent. This is especially the case if one squeezes a pimple to get rid of it. Not only can this popping method spread bacteria and worsen the acne skin condition, but it can lead to permanent scarring.

Myth: Plastic Surgery Does Not Involve Scarring

Fact: Plastic surgery does involve scarring, as there is still the cutting of tissues. The difference is that this cutting and sometimes scarring is in a concealed area of the skin or body. This hidden scar that is usually a fine line may be hidden along the hairline or inside the nose, in the creases of an eyelid, or behind the ears. Finer needles and techniques are used for minimal scarring.

Myth: All Acne Scars Should Be Treated by a Dermatologist

Fact: Not all acne scars need to be treated by a dermatologist. Mild acne scars can sometimes be treated at home with natural remedies such as apple cider vinegar, Aloe Vera, lavender oil, sandalwood paste, tomato slices, egg whites, olive oil, lime juice and more. It is recommended to seek attention from a dermatologist if the acne scar is deep or if a severe infection may be present, as a permanent scar could form.

Myth: Vitamin E Should Be Applied Immediately on a Wound

Fact: Vitamin E cream or oil has been known to penetrate the layers of the skin to minimize free radicals that could interfere with healing, but applying the cream or oil too soon after a cosmetic procedure or surgery or when the wound is fresh, could prevent it from healing properly on its own. Most physicians recommend to wait at least two weeks before applying this type of cream to the wound.

Myth: Scars Cannot Be Removed

Fact: A scar can take 12 to 18 months to form completely, and can take as long as 24 months to disappear. If scars do not go away, a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon may be able to assist. Many scars can be removed by lasers or surgery.

Myth: A Red Scar Is an Indication of a Permanent Scar

Fact: A red scar on a wound from a cosmetic or surgical procedure is the result of new blood vessels forming at the site of the skin injury to form new cells. This redness is a normal indication of healing. If there is heat and/or inflammation around the area of injury, then this may be an infection and may be more than temporary scarring.

All about Ingrown hair

Ingrown hair occurs when the hair grows under the skin and doesn’t surface, as it normally would. The condition is more likely to occur in areas that are shaved or waxed and may affect both men and women.

Ingrown hair is an esthetic problem more than a health problem. However, ingrown hair may lead to complications as well. Knowing the causes of ingrown hair can be helpful to be able to prevent this problem in the future.

Dry Skin

People with dry skin, both men and women, are more exposed to getting ingrown hair. This is due to the fact that there will be a lot of dead skin cells, and these may often cover the pores, preventing the hair to surface. This problem may be solved with proper moisturizing of skin and frequent use of creams that will keep the skin hydrated. The entire body needs this treatment.

Coarse Hair

Coarse hair that grows in a curved hair follicle is a cause of ingrown hair. This problem cannot be prevented, but there are a few laser treatments that may influence the quality of the hair and make it softer.

Oil in the Hair Follicles

Oil gathering in the hair follicles may also cause ingrown hair. This problem may be caused by various factors:

  • Hormonal problems
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Excessive production of skin oils
  • Use of unsuitable moisturizing creams that make the skin oily
  • Poor hygiene

Dead Skin Cells in Pores

If the dead skin cells are not removed on a regular basis, these may gather and clog up the pores, resulting in ingrown hair. Getting a gentle skin peeling solution and using it twice per week can solve this problem.

Genetic Predisposition

In some cases, the ingrown hair is an inherited condition. After the hair is removed (i.e. after shaving), the skin may tend to grow covering the pores and the hair follicles.

Certain Hair Removal Procedures

Certain hair removal procedures can cause ingrown hairs:

  • Shaving, especially when using a blade that is too close to the skin
  • Waxing
  • Electric epilator
  • Electrolysis

These methods remove the hair follicles fully or partially, but until the hair starts growing, dead skin cells can cover the pores. Also, using these techniques can irritate the skin, stimulating the accumulation of dead skin cells and the covering of the skin pores.

Ingrown Hair Removal

The ingrown hairs may be prevented by exfoliating the skin on a regular basis and before the hair removal. However, there are also other methods to remove hair including laser systems, electrolysis, or removal with tweezers or sterile needles.