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Juvederm Voluma

Juvederm Voluma

Juvederm Volumna XC is a gel filler that delivers a smoothing effect to the skin simply by giving it volume. Say goodbye to facial wrinkles and folds. As you age, it’s not just about lines and wrinkles. Your cheeks can lose volume and skin may begin to sag. juvederm voluma xcJUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC is an FDA-approved injectable gel to instantly add volume to your cheek area to correct age-related volume loss. It can provide you contour and a subtle lift for up to two years. Once injected, the filler works to instantaneously restore volume to the cheeks and midface while also helping to smooth lines and wrinkles in the area. Juvederm Voluma can be combined with other procedures such as BTX-A or Juvederm Ultra Plus.

Non-surgical facials to fall in love with


As we head into fall and you’re getting ready for the busy season – the holiday shopping and get together’s – don’t forget to invest in yourself! Now is a great time to give your skin a boost with one of our nonsurgical facial fillers or get rid of that stubborn body fat with our body sculpting! Facial fillers may be the perfect solution for smoothing out lines and wrinkles, while body sculpting will help you achieve a slimmer appearance.

Dr. Goldsmith will work with you to customize a plan that will address your main problem areas. Whether you’re concerned about deep wrinkles on the forehead or hollowed cheeks, we offer a range of injectables that can take years off your appearance. Here are just a few facial fillers that could be a part of your fall makeover:

Juvederm Voluma

Your cheeks can lose volume and skin may begin to sag. Juvederm Voluma can instantly add volume to your cheek area to correct age-related volume loss. It provides contour and a subtle lift for up to two years.


Kybella injection is the first and only FDA-approved injectable procedure that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness, sometimes referred to as double chin. When injected into the fat beneath your chin, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells and once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.


Bellafill offers a new level of filler rejuvenation. The collagen immediately adds volume to smooth away facial wrinkles and the PMMA microspheres help your skin recreate its own firmer structure for beautiful, younger-looking skin and lasting results. Bellafill is now the only FDA approved facial filler to last through 5 years!

SculpSure Body Contouring

Sculpsure’s non-surgical 25 minute procedure uses laser light-based technology to destroy up to 24%* of treated fat in problem areas such as the abdomen and love handles. Over time, these damaged fat cells are naturally absorbed and removed from the body, resulting in a reduction of fat. Results are seen as quickly as 6 weeks*, and optimal results typically seen at 12 weeks*. Achieving a slimmer, more sculpted appearance is possible with the help of SculpSure.

Ready to get started on your fall makeover? Give us a call at (614) 761-0333 or book online now

Skincare tips for busy moms

Skincare tips for busy moms

If you’re a mom you’ve probably said once or twice that there’s just not enough time in the day to get everything done. It’s important to eat right and to exercise, it is also just as important to take care of your skin! Here are some helpful tips to save time and to keep your skin glowing, healthy and radiant!

Wash your face once a day every evening: This not only saves time but helps keep the skins natural oils intact.

Keep makeup removing wipes on your nightstand: For those nights that just don’t go your way and you forget about washing your face, at least you can wipe off the days makeup before you drift off to sleep.

Use multi-tasking products: If you only have time to apply one product on your face in the morning, make sure it’s sunscreen. You can use a moisturizer with sunscreen as well.

Keep a pump bottle of lotion next to the shower: We all know that it’s not hard to take a lotion bottle out of the cabinet and open it, but let’s face it, it’s just easier to have the bottle of lotion close by and ready. So after your next shower you can lather on the lotion and give your thirsty skin a good drink of moisture.

Drink the good stuff: Keep your water bottle with you all day long, and you’ll reap the benefits.

With just a few minor changes to your busy day, you can take care of yourself and your skin too!


Preparing for SculpSure treatment

Preparing for SculpSure treatment

The non-invasive SculpSure process is an excellent choice to remove unwanted fat. It targets trouble areas with controlled laser energy, causing fat cells to be destroyed. Your body naturally eliminates these fat cells, and your skin looks firmer and flatter. The process is fast and convenient. If you think you’re ready for a SculpSure treatment, take the following steps to prepare.


Starting Two Weeks Before Your Procedure

There isn’t really any prep before having SculpSure. It is recommended that you discontinue the use of anti-inflammatory medications, like Ibuprofen, as this can suppress the inflammatory response needed to disrupt the fat cells. Just drink lots of water before and after your procedure to help flush out those fat cells!

At the appointment, preparation is minimal. You’ll have your target areas mapped, and the applicator is secured in place with straps. The heat energy is delivered to fat cells, loosening them from the surrounding tissue. The entire process shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes, and then you can resume your normal day. SculpSureBA04


The Day of Your Procedure

Try to remember to wear black undergarments to both your first appointment and follow up appointment for before and after photographs. Why are the before photographs so important? While we know you will see and feel a difference in your body from the SculpSure, when we show you the before and after photographs, you will really be amazed at the results! The dark undergarments photograph better and give you a truer picture of your results!

That’s it!

You can return to your normal activities right after your SculpSure procedure! Want to go to the gym? No problem! Back to work? No problem! The procedure is quick so you are back on your way!


Why the backs of your hands look older

Why the backs of your hands look older

When it comes to your face, your anti-aging routine is a well-oiled machine. Your hands? Not so much. Lines, creases, bulging veins, and dark spots on the back of your hands are all signs that give away your age. The hands are one of the first places we see signs of aging, and the area most people neglect when it comes to skincare.

Experts say because the skin on the back of the hands is so much thinner than on our face or neck, it not only succumbs to the aging impact of the environment, but it also is more susceptible to the aging process in general. As we age, skin gets thinner, but on the back of the hands the skin is already thin. fine-hender

So what can you do about your aging hands?

Laser Technology: At Ageless Splendor we offer laser technology to remove age spots (brown spots).

Sunscreen: You should smooth on a dime-sized dab of hand cream with SPF 30 before heading out the door each day—and reapplying after you wash your hands or every two hours if you’re exposed to even a little sunlight.

Moisturize: Keep your hands well moisturized with thick hand creams (particularly overnight) to keep the skin on your hands looking healthy.

Growth Factor Serums: Creams containing growth factors promote new collagen formation.

Be sure to start taking care of your hands at a young age, and you will end up with a great routine that keeps your hands looking younger.

How to tan safely

How to tan safely

With bikini season in bloom and the sun rays hitting the sand, we all think about that “ghostly” white winter skin. But did you know getting that glow can be dangerous? Tanning beds and laying out in the sun just aren’t safe. So what options do you have?

Spray Tan (or airbrush tan) 
Tanning beds are no safer than sun exposure. Instead, head to the pros for a spray tan. To make yours longer lasting, be sure to exfoliate before and moisturize every day following.

Add Bronzer to Your Makeup Routine
The right makeup has the ability to fake a flawless tan, which is where bronzer comes to the rescue. After you’ve perfectly blended your foundation, simply apply the bronzer of your choice for an effortless glow.

Self-tanners are a sunless (and long lasting!) option for a summer glow. Simply apply, and watch skin instantly deepen to a bronze that will last for 7 to 10 days. Self-tanners color just the top layers of the skin and gradually fade as the skin naturally exfoliates over time.

A sun tan just isn’t healthy. It is extremely aging to the skin and can lead to skin cancer. So keep your skin safe by applying sunscreen when you start your day and reapply frequently.