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The non-invasive SculpSure process is an excellent choice to remove unwanted fat. It targets trouble areas with controlled laser energy, causing fat cells to be destroyed. Your body naturally eliminates these fat cells, and your skin looks firmer and flatter. The process is fast and convenient. If you think you’re ready for a SculpSure treatment, take the following steps to prepare.


Starting Two Weeks Before Your Procedure

There isn’t really any prep before having SculpSure. It is recommended that you discontinue the use of anti-inflammatory medications, like Ibuprofen, as this can suppress the inflammatory response needed to disrupt the fat cells. Just drink lots of water before and after your procedure to help flush out those fat cells!

At the appointment, preparation is minimal. You’ll have your target areas mapped, and the applicator is secured in place with straps. The heat energy is delivered to fat cells, loosening them from the surrounding tissue. The entire process shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes, and then you can resume your normal day. SculpSureBA04


The Day of Your Procedure

Try to remember to wear black undergarments to both your first appointment and follow up appointment for before and after photographs. Why are the before photographs so important? While we know you will see and feel a difference in your body from the SculpSure, when we show you the before and after photographs, you will really be amazed at the results! The dark undergarments photograph better and give you a truer picture of your results!

That’s it!

You can return to your normal activities right after your SculpSure procedure! Want to go to the gym? No problem! Back to work? No problem! The procedure is quick so you are back on your way!