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Made famous by Kim Kardashian, it is a combination of the microneedling with PRP (platelet rich plasma) applied during the procedure with excellent penetration.  A platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment treats you with your own 23 growth factors. These treatments promote abundant new growth of your own collagen and elastic tissue, generating naturally smoother and tighter skin. This is an excellent way to rejuvenate your skin making it bright, tight and smooth with removal of fine wrinkles and blemishes.

Proper preparation of PRP (platelet rich plasma) is a multistage process which requires specific knowledge and is accomplished under strict conditions. It must   purify and preserve major growth factors and must be carried out in a precision refrigerated centrifuge able to apply 3500 g forces at a precisely 16 degree Celsius (60.80 F). Proper PRP cannot be made in most spas or aesthetic offices because they use unrefrigerated slower centrifuges and do not remove the fibrin which depletes the growth factors.

How would you like to have a facial treatment that rejuvenates your skin, improves elasticity and stimulates collagen production while treating common problem such as:

  • Acne, chicken pox or trauma scars
  • Smile line, wrinkles lines or any other age-related lines


The procedure begins with drawing your blood and using a refrigerated centrifuge to extract platelet-rich plasma (PRP).  The patient under goes a micro-needling treatment with PRP with very advanced results.

Frequently asked questions:

How long does the treatment take?

  • About 90 minutes allowing for the preparation of your PRP.

How many treatments do I need?

  •  Your skin will change remarkably after the first treatment. Through the treatment may be done in a series. The doctor will talk with you about this during your complimentary consultation.

When will I see the results?

  • Results will begin to visible 2 weeks after treatment and will continue to improve much longer.

How long do the results last?

  • Treatment results vary. In most patients, the results last up to 18 months and are maintained with periodic touch ups.

 How do I prepare for treatment?

  • Do not use retinol or other photosensitizing topical for 5 days prior to your treatment.
  • Do not receive sun exposure or sunburned skin for 2 weeks prior to your treatment.

What can I expect after treatment?

On the day following your treatment you may experience some redness and tenderness similar to sunburn. This redness and any swelling should be subsiding by the third day.

How many treatments do I need?

  •  Your skin will change remarkably after the first treatment, through the treatment maybe done in a series. The doctor will talk with you about this during your complimentary consultation.

When will I see the results?

  • Results will begin to visible 2 weeks after treatment and will continue to improve much longer.

How long do the results last?

  • Treatment results vary. In most patients, the results last up to 18 months and are maintained with periodic touch up.

Before Treatment:

Avoid sun exposure, including tanning beds 4-5 weeks before and 4-5 weeks after treatment.

The Day of your treatment:

  1. An hour before, take 2 Extra Strength Tylenol for discomfort. Do not use aspirin, Excedrin, ibuprofen, or any other medicine which thins blood.
  2. You may use ice packs before treatment to reduce discomfort
  3. Do not apply moisturizers lotions, sunscreen, perfume or cosmetics to that surface of your skin.