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Despite what is shared on the internet, most skin woes don’t have a quick magical fix. So how can you tell the good advice from the bad? We put together a few skincare myths you should stop believing!

Lemon juice is not a great treatment for blackheads. 
Lemon juice is irritating to your skin, and can seriously burn skin when exposed to sunlight.

Washing your face multiple times a day can cause dryness.

The SPF in makeup or facial products may not be enough. 
You should look for products that provide broad spectrum coverage with at least 30 SPF.

There’s no set rule on when to start using anti-aging products.
The facial aging process is influenced by a combination of genetics, environment and behaviors, as well as how well someone takes care of their body. To take care of your skin and prevent signs of aging, it’s recommended to use a daily facial sunscreen.

Egg whites don’t shrink pores.
Egg whites might make your skin feel tighter just by drying and sitting on your skin, but that’s it.

Toothpaste can really irritate a pimple.
Toothpaste can actually be very irritating to the skin, causing redness and peeling when applied to a pimple.

Be sure to always research DIY skincare treatments and use caution when trying something new!