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Women are no strangers to hair removal, but what about men? As any woman will tell you, shaving gives you unwanted razor bumps and ingrown hair, especially since men have thicker and coarser hair, leaving you worse for the wear than when you started.

Laser Hair Removal reduces and removes hair using laser light energy to penetrate the hair shaft, killing the root. It doesn’t kill the hair follicle, the place where new hair grows, allowing for the laser-hair-chestchance of hair to grow back in its place, though it’s difficult. The results last a very long time, though you may need a yearly touch up on the area where you had hair removed. Laser hair removal is an FDA-approved method of safe hair removal that is a more permanent solution than the use of hair removal creams, waxing, electrolysis, and shaving.

For optimal results, multiple treatments are necessary, but they require no downtime. Following laser hair removal, men are able to go to the beach without worrying about having a hairy chest or back that could turn off a potential love interest. Smooth, hairless skin boosts the confidence of our male laser hair removal patients and leaves them feeling great about themselves. laser-hair-removal-treatment-areas-1

Laser hair removal requires no downtime, however the treated area may appear minimally red immediately after the procedure. This reaction typically subsides within minutes or hours after treatment, during which time it is best to avoid exposing the treated area to the sun. Ice compresses can help resolve the redness, if necessary.

The back and shoulders are the most commonly treated areas, and some men also treat the chest, abdomen, ears and neck. Some men choose to just thin the hair out, rather than removing all of it, as well.

If you would like more information about Laser Hair Removal or to schedule your Complimentary Consultation, Contact Us!