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Brown spots on the skin may often be perceived as a sign of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles. Freckles may have been cute when you were a kid, but now these melanin deposits are looking more like the aging remains from too may days lounging in the sun. Freckles, sun spots, liver spats – whatever you call them, they’re technically known as “pigmented lesions” and they form when melanin concentrates in one area of the skin, usually as a result of overexposure to the sun’s UV rays.


Advanced laser technology offers a proven method to permanently remove most brown spots, freckles and unwanted pigment. The light vibrates and shatters the pigment and breaks the melanin into micro-particles, lightening and removing the dark, aging spot.

What to Expect

The RevLite emits light in rapid, short pulses at high peak energy for maximum efficacy and comfort. The impact feels like no more than the snap of a thin rubber band. As the light shatters the pigment and diffuses the lesion, the spot will turn gray or white for a few minutes as the skin absorbs the energy. Any post-treatment discomfort will feel similar to a mild sunburn, and any redness will dissipate within a day or two.


Get Started Now

Dr. Goldsmith is trained to assess your level of pigment, determine areas that can be improved and will schedule your treatment series. Give us a call and ask about our Complimentary Consultation so you can begin your treatment program today!